November 5, 2007


I started today by checking Blogs.
I haven't kept up on "others" blogs for a long time. The same amount of time since I last wrote in my blog. When talking to others about friends I always hear "I read that in _____'s blog". I feel that others using blogging in a way that I will never be able to. Pat always ask "when do I get to see your blog"? I have kept this site secret for a while, not that there is a whole lot of stuff in here to hide, I am afraid I will write differently when I "know" others are looking. So for now, it stays hidden.
After reading 6 blogs, I do think people communicate differently through the computer than they do in real life. More is revealed about how we are feeling than we would reveal in person.
So Blogs seem to be a HUGE part of communication between friends. So more and more I need to get on board with them.

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