November 6, 2007


Recently a topic of conversation about accountability came up at work. We talked about not only the importance of having those in your life who will keep you accountable, but also authentic relationships with those individuals. I have three individuals who keep me accountable, and we have all talked about what it means to be authentic. Most of the time we ask the hard questions, and we get answers, but we don't go for the final 10%. I bring this up because Brandon asked me today what was the 10% I was leaving out about Christine. I told him nothing, that I told him everything. After our meeting I headed home to get ready for work. While I was in the shower I thought about the 10% question, and it finally hit me-there was 10% that I wasn't telling him.
This relationship that I am in feels so different for some reason. So for some reason it just "feels" different, like it really matters this time. All the other girls I dated obviously didn't matter: the time we talked on the phone didn't matter-we are not talking today. That first date, or that special present I purchased didn't matter, I can't even remember one of them right now. All of that time, energy and interaction added to who I am today-but while it was happening and now that it is over-it doesn't matter. For some reason I feel like this one matters, like that first calls...time spent all matters. I don't want to say that I feel this is the one, but I can see spending the rest of my life with her.
So my 10% is that I am walking through something that I am really not sure about. I have no control over it, I just need to experience it-and enjoy it. That doesn't make it any easier though.

So my 10% is something that I think about 90% of the time.

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