November 26, 2009

It's Thanksgiving.....let's go to the movies

Let's play a game of what if.....

What if we went to the movies, but this time the theater was filled only with people that you knew. Stand up turn around and look around the theater. See all your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, people you go to church with and those who live in your community. Everyone came to the movie today to see "your life".

What if everything you have done with your life was recorded, EVERYTHING! Have you ever seen the Truman show? This would be even more than that. Some how the producer recorded all your thoughts, actions feelings, etc. since you were born. It took them a long time, but they now have it all together. That's what is showing at the movie theater today!

So everyone who has ever known you is sitting in this huge theater ready to watch "you life".
Are you nervous?
Your friend who thought you were always positive will now see what you were really thinking as you both interacted and shared life.
Your neighbor, who you smile and wave to, will see you role your eyes as their dog is in your yard again.
Your boss will see all the work that you really don't do.
But I am sure you have done many good things also, but just like all movies...what will people leave remembering about "your life"?

I sat processing yesterday the above about my life and life in general. It would be more than a disaster to have this happen to any of us. You might even have a little anxiety building as you read this, I know I did. I don't think anyone would be winning an Oscar for their performance!

This all came to mind as I was thinking about God's love for us. We cant do anything to earn it nor can we do anything that will take it away. But the movie of "our life" has been known by Him even before we said what we said, thought what we thought or did what we did. Through it all, he doesn't love us any less, not even a little.

So on this day of thanksgiving, I am thankful for many of the same things everyone is thankful for- friends, family, great food, etc. But what comes to mind this year that hasn't in the past is God's Love. All the rest of my life comes out of the Love that He has for me and you.
With all that I am truly blessed and truly thankful.

I hope that you take time today and think about how much God loves you, no matter what you have done or even if you even know who he is.

And for knowing that be truly thankful!

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