November 22, 2009

Every smell, sight, experience....Really???

In a recent conversation with someone they explained to me that everything we have experienced (sight, smell, touch, conversation everything!!) is still in our head.

Remember when spring hits, when you walk outside and smell the grass growing and flowers blooming-yep it's in there.
Since that has happened to me every year, they are all there.
Every conversation that I have had with people, yep it's in there.

Kind of hard to imagine it, but the more I think about makes sense to me. Scientist say that we use less than 10% of our brain, not that the other 90% is dormant-but rather not being used.
{Some of my small group guys are probably using closer to 1% but that is for a later post!!}

This 90% is where past memories are along with more space for future ones. So when an amazing 80's song comes on that I haven't hear in 20 years (that hurts to think it has been 20 years!) I can still remember every word, it makes sense!

Why does this matter? Good question!

Who we are today, right now in this moment is a by product of all those past memories. The way we respond to others, the way we love, the way we trust, the way we laugh and find joy.....all of that comes from our experiences. Follow me? If someone you trust keeps breaking that trust you learn not to be so trustworthy. If you are not loved, well you get my point.

So can you change? Can your past experiences be altered or changed enough to impact how you are today? tomorrow?

I know through Christ we are born again, that's not what I am talking about. I also know that through Christ all things are possible. But our memories create and make up who we are today, Christ is the filter that it all flows through.

Does this make sense or am I only using 1% right now?

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