April 29, 2010

what about the 14 others?

I have thought about returning home and how I would share this wonderful once in a life time experience (well at least for me). I have learned many new techniques and things about food that will change the way that I cook forever, but there is something else that I learned that is not only more important-but will change my life forever.

All the things that I thought about as I was preparing for this trip, never once did "the other students" ever come to mind. It was as if I was going to be the only student here! I sit here and wonder why those thoughts never came to mind-but they didn't!

The number one question that every new college student ask isn't "what will my major be", or "what will I do for the rest of my life". They ask the question, "will I make friends"!

Maybe its because I am older, that never crossed my mind. Actually as I drove into town on Sunday (man that seems like a month ago!) I drove through campus and thought..."what would it be like to come back to school here and become a professional chef"?
That thought quickly ended as I saw how young the students were! Some look like they are 12!!

I never thought that a few others who I shared this experience with would have an impact on me. Let me tell you a little about each of them.

Binh (left) is a fun person who seems to always be smiling. She is trying to figure out "whats next in life", loves food and is processing whether to become a chef or not. Currently she works for a non-for-profit company here in New York.

Sunny (right) is similar to Binh in asking "how the love for cooking might change her life". Currently she is a stage manager and lives in New York. One thing that really stood out is that she renovated her loft and it has 20' ceilings. That would be so cool to see, I love lofts like that.

Greg (left center) is a father of two. I do remember from the first day that part of the reason why he is here is to influence is cooking techniques to impact is children better. I also know that his kids are wanting him to be able to flip a pizza and make ratatouille (not sure they know what's in there!). He works for a college and lives here in New York.

Eileen (right center) is a quiet but profound person. She has lived in 17 different places throughout the world and currently is in Florida. You can tell that she not only loves making food, but knows a great deal about it. She is a professional organizer, which I have only seen on TV-now I have met one in person. I know most of you think that I don't need any more organization in my life, but I think it is cool to meet someone who helps others in this way!

Kara (left) when asked by Chef "like Sara but with a K", she responded no like the van, Kara-van! Right then I new she would be a blast. She works for Clorox and recently moved to California, but with her boyfriend back in Minnesota-is processing what life looks like in the near future. She is a great cook, but also has the respect for food by having a desire to learn as much as she can about it. She longs to find out the "why" things are done certain ways with food, not just the end result-which is cool. She has a big heart for her grandmother also, which tells us more about her than her love for food.

Cheryl and her husband (right center and right) Cheryl lives only 20 minutes away, which allows her husband to come over and join us for dinners. He isn't taking the class but you cant blame him for willing to put up with us to get some great food! Cheryl is retired and use to be a project manager for IBM. She has a great love for food as well as a level of patience I can only hope for. Watching her cook with precision is a neat thing that calms the kitchen.

Mark (left center) is a Vice President for The Schwan Food Company. Before I met Mark, I thought Schwan was only the yellow trucks that we see driving through our neighborhoods. Now I have a better idea of the vast impact Schwan has on the food industry. I thought it was great to see the partnership that is being created by Mark being here. He makes all stereotypes about VP executives of large companies, none existent. Not once has he acted like a VP, but rather just a normal person like you and I. He is always calm, cool, and collective. He also has a strong interest in food, not only for his career but also his love of cooking.

Fletcher (left) also works for Schwan, I envied him from day one since his company is paying for this wonderful experience. I wonder how I could get Grace to cover this, nope probably not. He has two children also and really has a joy for cooking. The man made risotto, and it was great-you cant just pull that one out. He also has an appreciation for the office, which we all found out two nights ago! The only thing I could say bad about Fletcher is that he lives in Michigan-sorry but cant stand Michigan (not the state-just the college!!)

Nicole (right) is also from the west coast and works at Pepperdine College in the Development Office. I am sure it took a little adjustment when she first got here (the weather was terrible) but now its getting more like home for her (weather wise). She is also looking at her life and trying to figure out what's next. She really enjoys cooking. I do hope that all three of these young ladies finds their passion and next step in life.

Kristen (left center) lives here in the area. I am SO jealous that she and her husband are opening their own restaurant in June. She has been to the CIA before taking classes. You can tell she has a passion for food. She is soaking up the environment no matter where we go. I wish her and her restaurant the best and kind of wish it was already open so we could go check it out.

Kym (right center) also live in the area and has two children. She is a blast of energy to be around, which I think comes from her lucky rabbits foot that she carries around. I have never see anyone love red meat as much as she does! She cares about what her family eats and is taking advantage of her wonderful birthday present. Mine is in February! She is always willing to help you out and is a true joy to be around.

Andy (left) is a pediatrician anaesthesiologist who lives on the west coast. His wife is here also, but she is taking the baking and pastry course. Andy seems to like the finer things of life but seems to have figured out how to balance life well. He is also a wood worker, making things like guitars and even knives! I cant wait to get my new chef knife that he said he would make for me!

Lisa (center) has been my desk partner as well as my workstation partner this week. Together with Mark and I we make Team 4, which I would say stands out a little bit since we are the only three person team (every other team has 4). Both her and Donna are from Vancouver, where she is a real estate lawyer. She has been a true joy to be around and to have as a teammate. We both work very well together.

Donna (center right), good ole Donna! I saved the best for last. She has recently retired (early) from being a lawyer, which has given her time to focus on the important things in life. She travels the world and has done this since she was 19! If you have a question about Wine, or food-she is the one to ask. Every group has their backbone, and she is ours. I can say this, that I would have not enjoyed this week at all if she wasn't here. I am not sure how she is going to get the 17 cookbooks that she bought back home to Vancouver? I'm sure she will figure it out.

So that's the team! They are great and have made this week. I know I have given a lot of information about them, but what is hard is to tell you how they each have impacted me. I don't believe in coincidences! I am sure there is a reason that this group of individuals has been in this place in time sharing their love for cooking and life! Here is to the future, I pray that each and every one of them have a blessed life full of joy and happiness.

May they keep on cooking for the ones they love and love them!

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