April 28, 2010

Day three

I have been informing you about my experience by showing you pictures, yes there are going to be pictures-but I want to share with you what we are learning here (besides how to eat amazing food).

So far we have learned our knife skills/safety and the different types of cuts along with kitchen orientation. Now obviously this isn't your normal kitchen, there are 15 of us all with a cooking and prep station, but we share the kitchen with another class that has about 10-14 others in it also. Everyone is making a different item all at the same time. So think about all that action in the kitchen at one time, it is a very dangerous place-but thank the Lord that no one has hurt themselves (or someone else) yet! We then went to Sauteing and Stir-Fry, Pan frying and Deep Frying. I would really recommending that this is separated in the future and not all on the same day. I totally understand the thought process behind why it is all together, very similar cooking style, but eating all of that for lunch was a smack across the face. But we didn't stop there-we dove into soups, sauces, Dry-Heat cooking, grilling, broiling, roasting and thickening agents. The one area that was hard to focus on was plating-not because it wasn't good-but more that it was after eating a heavy lunch and it went a little long!!

The experience here is amazing! The students learning environment isn't just lecture or cooking. They learn the entire operation of how a restaurant runs-from cooking, expediting, sous-chef, head chef (back of the house) to waiting, maitre-d, busing the tables, etc. (front of the house). What a well rounded learning experience.

Every night we eat these amazing meals at the restaurants on the campus. The last two nights were alright and OK, but tonight was amazing. Not only was the food outstanding, but the serve was top of the line. When you walk away from a night like tonight-you are not only full, but you are rich from the experience.

I know you love the pictures so here are some from today.

Here is some of the food we ate!

And don' forget the DESSERT!!!

Lastly a nice shot of our display of half of the food, yes only half-the rest of it is on another table. 16 dishes of food, every day-and that is only lunch!

Tomorrow I will talk about our team-what a neat crew of people...stay tuned!

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