April 29, 2010

Is this the last night? Day Four

Wow-I cant believe that this is the last night! Tomorrow is the final day, the cook off, the final exam, whatever you want to call it.....all things must come to an end at some point, and we are getting close to that point. As I was walking to my car tonight, I couldn't help but take a few more pictures to show how beautiful this campus really is.

Today was a full packed day but I do have to say that I never had an afternoon like this before....yes today we learned about wine and food pairings. We also found out earlier this week that there is only one place you can drink alcohol-without being old enough and that is here while you are in their wine class. They had to get a special pardon by the governor to be able to accomplish this, because most students are not 21-but they need to learn about wines, etc. That should help with enrollment!!

Yesterday I talked about all that the student learns, well that was just in the first two years (the associates degree), they also have a bachelors degree that you learn a whole lot more including marketing, running a restaurant, business development, human resources, and much more. After they leave here, they are not only a great Chef-but also know how to be successful.

And they learn how to flambe desserts without burning the place down!

Of course you need to see the amazing food from today.............. before that, here is my view for dinner tonight-really nice

I almost forgot, we also learned all about shallow-poaching and deep poaching. Along with Braising and Stewing, all moist heat techniques.

I have many new tools to use in the kitchen now, the hard part will be "what do I cook first when I get home"?

I am sure that people will ask me many different questions when I get home like "how was your trip", "what did you learn", "when are you cooking for me".......but if they want to know how this week impacted my life the most-they need to find out about 14 others!

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