March 24, 2014

Walking in someone else's shoes

I sit here thinking about past conversations and postings people put on Facebook when it comes to helping others. My mind is flooded with thoughts, it feels like I live in two different worlds. Many of you will stop reading this before you get through the first world.  Its the second world that you need to read-it will change your life forever.

The first world
It's the one we all live in, average america where people are complaining about many different things and offering opinion as facts.
1. My personal favorite (not) is when people talk about those in need.  They need to just get a job, they are lazy, they are living off the tax payers money, they are cheating the system, they are buying junk food, they are doing drugs, etc. Really? What if all that is true? Couldn't we say the same about the people around us that are not on welfare? Also if you were in their shoes how would you respond? I am not sure I wouldn't do anything different. Living in survival mode, trying to make it day by day, is very different then surviving your day because of the busy schedule our over involved family members are in.
2. The person holding a sign in need is very black and white when it comes to reactions.

Either people give them money or they give you the opinion on why you are wrong to do so! I believe in giving them money, if God owns it all anyway-does it matter what they use it on? I am giving it with no strings attached. I am giving it as a means of hope. I am giving it to give back some of their dignity and let them know they are not invisible. As soon as it leaves my hand and I say goodbye, what they do with it is between God and them. I don't know about you but I still struggle and haven't figured out a way to live my life financially pleasing God with all my choices.  Since I have work to do with spending my money in a Godly way, not sure I should judge someone else in how they are spending their money. Also I have never been homeless, I have always had shelter and food.  I am not sure what its like to sit or stand in the brutal cold holding a sign hoping someone will give me something so I can eat that day or feed my family.  Not sure what it's like people driving by or walking by looking the other way as if I don't even exists. I don't know how it feels to starve and to not provide for my family who is starving. Would I turn to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain? To get a moment of escape from the life I am living? I think I would, I am only human.

So before you give opinions, thoughts or comments-go walk in their shoes first! I know I need to be reminded of this daily as well.

The second world
I get to experience this world on Monday and Tuesday's from 6-8 and Wed mornings from 10-12. I get to experience this with 200-250 other people every week as we share this experience with over 325 families. This world is different and even the people are different during the above time frames.  The experience that happens is one of molding clay-a work in progress so to speak.
These 250 different volunteers live crazy busy lives also.  They have work and school to get through, and after school activities. They have dinners to prepare for and stuff to do like all of us. But somehow they open their schedules just enough to allow the potter to mold his clay.

This world is different, judgement is replaced by Care. Looking the other way is replaced by an open hand. Busy unconnected lives are replaced by interlocking hands praying together and praying for one another.

In this world…..
To see the smile as the door is open,
To see the greeting as they walk in the room,
To see the comfort that is given to the first timer,
To see the explanation of the choices this week,
To see the hugs of embrace as they walk in the pantry,
To see the tears as they choose items their family needs,
To see the care of the items being placed from cart to bags,
To see the humble placement of their bags into their vehicles,
To see the Holy Spirit embrace the prayers,
To see the person in need walk through this and become a friend!
To see the volunteer be changed forever!

This world is different indeed.  Yes we feed those in need, but what is happening is way more than that. They walk in for food and leave with the sustainer of life. Along the way they become our friends and we are forever changed.

Tired of the first world? Come join us weekly!
If you are in need of help, we are here to become your friend.
If you are in need to help, God is here to change your life forever!

Find out more at

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