January 22, 2010

Now I wait, wondering what's next

So when you hear God calling you to do something, what do you do? How do you respond? Where I struggle is the "now what" part!

So Saturday I find myself moving forward responding to something way before I realize God is the director of it. Even at the point that I realized His involvement, that doesn't take away the anxiety that still is in my heart. Anxiety and all has me sitting at Fall Creek and Meridian, in fog so thick I can not even see 10 feet around my car. Then I see him walking up to the truck. Trusting that God was there to protect me I opened the door and let him in. I asked how he was doing, and if he was nervous. I also remember telling him that I was nervous and this was a first for me. We talked as I drove back home, trying to find out more about him and to calm the anxiety in me. After I got home I showed him the guest bedroom-told him the alarm in the house wouldn't let him on the first floor without going off, and then I went to bed.

I sat there praying that God would protect this situation. That's when the full picture came to mind-I have a stranger that I have only know for 1 hour sleeping in the room next to me. What was I going to do-wake him up and tell him I changed my mind? It did cross my mind, but where would he go? He is homeless, so if he leaves here-he is back out on the street. So I prayed that I would be obedient to the Lord and asked for my anxiety to go away.
I wake up the next morning, wondering if this was a dream. That was soon answered as I heard noise and movement coming from the room next door.

So now I wait, wondering what's next. Praying that God will give me strength to do what is right. Taking it one day at a time allows the anxiety of the situation to go away. I have learned a lot over the past 6 days, more than I wanted to. This world is truly broken, and if you think your life is rough-I will introduce you to my friend. I am not sure what tomorrow will bring-for today I pray that God will allow me to be the hands and feet of Jesus to new friend.

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