January 22, 2010

Now I wait, wondering what's next

So when you hear God calling you to do something, what do you do? How do you respond? Where I struggle is the "now what" part!

So Saturday I find myself moving forward responding to something way before I realize God is the director of it. Even at the point that I realized His involvement, that doesn't take away the anxiety that still is in my heart. Anxiety and all has me sitting at Fall Creek and Meridian, in fog so thick I can not even see 10 feet around my car. Then I see him walking up to the truck. Trusting that God was there to protect me I opened the door and let him in. I asked how he was doing, and if he was nervous. I also remember telling him that I was nervous and this was a first for me. We talked as I drove back home, trying to find out more about him and to calm the anxiety in me. After I got home I showed him the guest bedroom-told him the alarm in the house wouldn't let him on the first floor without going off, and then I went to bed.

I sat there praying that God would protect this situation. That's when the full picture came to mind-I have a stranger that I have only know for 1 hour sleeping in the room next to me. What was I going to do-wake him up and tell him I changed my mind? It did cross my mind, but where would he go? He is homeless, so if he leaves here-he is back out on the street. So I prayed that I would be obedient to the Lord and asked for my anxiety to go away.
I wake up the next morning, wondering if this was a dream. That was soon answered as I heard noise and movement coming from the room next door.

So now I wait, wondering what's next. Praying that God will give me strength to do what is right. Taking it one day at a time allows the anxiety of the situation to go away. I have learned a lot over the past 6 days, more than I wanted to. This world is truly broken, and if you think your life is rough-I will introduce you to my friend. I am not sure what tomorrow will bring-for today I pray that God will allow me to be the hands and feet of Jesus to new friend.

January 18, 2010

Amazed by God

God has amazed me many times in the past, but this one grabs my heart and will leave a forever impact on it.

He had my path cross with a total stranger, actually thinking back to how this whole thing started will make me look crazy to say the least. It's very clear to me now that God is using me in a very unique way, and it's because of Him that I am able to continue on. I am not sure what will happen next but I do know it will cause me to second guess myself and pray for God to show me how to respond.

If someone who is hungry reaches out a hand asking for some change, do you give them some? I have passed many, some I have given to others I have not. This time I decided to give. I was asked to give more than just money, and now I am getting more than just an empty pocket. I have been given a small look into what makes God's heart hurt. The pain is more than I can handle at times but it doesn't compare to the pain that this person has gone through.

Most people will call me crazy and tell me that I am not safe or that I am out of my mind. It's what compels me to act that eliminates all of that. I am not sure what will happen next, all I know that I will continue to be Amazed by God!