August 20, 2008

Feb 4th? Wow that was so long ago

I cant believe that I haven't blogged since Feb. It isn't totally shocking, since my life was about to take a turn just a few weeks after that last post. New changes, new jobs, ....interesting how "new things" change our lives and sometimes throw little normal things we do into a tail spin till we are able to get back on our feet again.

Well that's where I find myself right now-back on my feet. About a month ago Brandon asked me if I wanted to head to Georgia with him while he was at a conference with his job. Gone for a week? How would things get done? Would I be able to leave work for that long? What about small groups just starting up? What about opening the new building within 24 hours of my return from the trip? Should I go? Do I even have time? Those are a few of the many questions that plagued me for a few days. I was about to take a few days off from work at Grace to be able to do landscaping at Grace for my company. It was during the first day of working in the 90+ heat that I made the decision that I really needed to take a break. So I when I received the email back from Chris approving my vacation time-I immediately purchased my airline ticket, before I could change my mind.

Now preparing for the trip was simple because of the free time that I had to give to it, or lack there of. It was 10:00 pm Saturday night and we were leaving at 9:30 the next morning. So what a better time to start preparing for the trip. Fay? That was someone that I didn't think would join me on the trip-until now. It looked like Fay would provide rain from Tues-Fri while we were there-Fun Stuff. So I had a day of sun to enjoy. We arrive at the condo to find an entire family sharing the condo with us. We knew that someone (who worked with Brandon from the DC office) would be staying with us-we just didn't know his wife and two children would also be with us. 3 rooms, which two are bedrooms and 4 adults 2 kids. Relaxing wasn't crossing my mind at all-but I wasn't going to give up that easily.

I found this little coffee shop that I knew would become my new little hangout. Here are some pictures of the place. It was a comfortable little wood place about 30'x30', with the original hardwood floor that announced every new guest as they walked across it. Same morning girl serving the same customers every day. I do mean the "same" customers. Like clockwork each and every person visiting this little shop ordering the same way, every day. My favorite is the little lady who starts shouting her order as she opens the door "morning hunny, I want a large (venti is not something you will hear at this place) of the strong stuff leaving me 1" to put my cream in". Everyday (or at least the three days I have been here so far) the same thing. Something tells me that she has been ordering her drink that way everyday for the past 10 years. Today when I walked in, my drink was waiting for now I am a regular who doesn't even have to order-only my third day here. Now I have spent 4-5 hours each morning here, so it is my favorite place on the Island.

I just finished reading the Shack-it was an amazing book. My goal is to process it through my blog later today. I do have to share that while I was reading the final pages, I stopped and looked around the coffee shop and one of those weird feelings came over me. The hardwood floors, the creaking door and the little fireplace that is inches away from "my" seat.....this place is a little Shack in and of itself. Maybe that's why I consumed this book now instead of 3 months ago when I bought it.

Trying to upload the pictures of the shack, I mean coffee place...more to come.


Anonymous said...

great that you are making time for these things, marcus... it's so great to hear that you are relaxing and doing a little of nothing.


Cyrus said...

It would be most advisable to post more. I almost resorted to removing your blog. I feared it had entered the stale / dead point.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Marcus! Keep doing is good for you! We will require more of this next weekend at the lake as well!