December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

So I got to spend the last couple of days at my Mom’s place. My sister lives there with her, along with my 5 nieces and nephews. The newest addition is Lydia, born last Friday. She is a tiny precious thing that doesn’t make much fuss about anything. Just holding her can make anyone remember the real reason for Christmas.

My brother, and friend, left early on Saturday evening because he wasn’t feeling good. Sunday morning I woke up with the beginnings of a nasty cold. Over the last couple of days it hasn’t gotten better either. So I am now doped up on a few different items which help me get through the day. Sunday was spent watching football most of the day. I did help out fixing a few things around mom’s house, but for the most part is was very relaxing. My sister, mom and I all played cards and dominos until 2 am-that brought back old memories.

This morning I woke up and had to drive down to Cincinnati to my dad’s place. The wind wasn’t as bad as yesterday but it was still pushing me all over the highway. I made it in time to watch a few “non classic” Christmas shows with my dad. You know the TBS and TNT specials that are produced by Hallmark.

We had a wonderful dinner (steak!) and then watched Wild Hogs, funny movie. It is close to 1:30 in the morning and if I make it to bed in the next 10 min this will be the earliest I went to bed since I started the trip.

Christine and I were able to talk for a while today, being gone makes me realize how much I miss her and grown to like her in the last 3 months. Looking forward to getting back home on Wed and hanging out with her.

Heading to bed now, Merry Christmas.

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