April 16, 2009

It has been a while!!!

I didn't want to hit the one year mark since I wrote anything on the blog! Also I am getting a lot of people asking how I am doing, which I do appreciate-but I thought this would be a little more productive.

I found pictures for those of you who learn more visually.

So on Tues morning at 6:00 am I arrived at the hospital to prepare for the surgery. I have a bad case of GERD (Gastro- Esophageal Reflux Disease) which has been damaging my esophagus. I also have a hiatal hernia which is where your stomach pushes through your diaphragm.

The LES valve is where your esophagus and stomach meet and this value keeps everything in your stomach. Well mine wasn't able to close anymore.

So the surgery was to fix all these things. They cut me in 6 spots in my abdominal area to get this done.

OK enough of the pictures.

Coming out of surgery wasn't fun. I was holding my breath because of the pain, which caused me to take a deep breath (much worse pain), so one of the nurses was showing me how to breath to help the pain. Finally I go to my room and people start visiting. It was really nice to see friends, even though I was out of it and didn't talk to you too much. Even with my eyes closed I was still listening, so thanks!!

The morphine that they were giving to me wasn't really taking care of the pain. It was amazing when 7:30 came and a new nurse took over. Dayna was VERY nice, her first goal was to get the pain under control, and by 8:00 I finally felt better. I was wondering why this couldn't have been done earlier, but if you met the afternoon nurse you would totally understand why. Not a nice person!!

So Wed was a great day, with my pain managed now I was able to get out of bed and even walk around in the hallways. When the afternoon came by I started to ask what I needed to do to leave that day. I really didn't want to stay. The main reason is my bed filled with air every 5 min to try to avoid bed sores, great invention-but bad if you are trying to sleep.

My mom arrived around 1 today and will be with me the next couple of days to help take care of me. The good news came around 4:30 that I could go home. Wed night was good, what I remember of it. More water and Gatorade, which is all I have had since Monday dinner! But I don't have any appetite what so ever.

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