February 2, 2008

On and Off

Not that people really read this site, but it has been a long time since I wrote anything, so I thought I would update it. We've been having Internet connection problems at home so I haven't really been able to keep up on Facebook, the Blog, others Blogs, or even personal emails. I use to have a job where I had enough down time to access these things throughout the day, but not really with the current one. Getting ready for the Winter Retreat, along with about 8 "other" things that are coming up in the next 2 months, doesn't allow for much "down" time. Thanks Cyrus for figuring things out and getting us back up and running!

Yesterday I headed downtown to "experience" Greek IV Conference. I help with registration, and for the most part it was very smooth. I did get to see many of the "old" youth group students who are now in colleges everywhere. It was great to see their fire for the Lord even after the highschool years. It was also great to see Christine in her environment. Now meeting all those great people that I will never remember their names....that is a different story!

Training for the mini-marathon is still going strong, three miles today without stopping. Glad that is over! I cannot imagine that in 4 weeks we will be running 7-8 miles at one time. So far we have ran 36 miles since Jan 2nd. If you think that is a lot, by the time we run the mini we will have ran 253 miles!!!! Bye BYe Old Guy


Anonymous said...

Marcus, I think it's awesome that you're being pro-active like this! Good for you. Before too long you'll have a back so strong that you don't need arms to cause immense pain to students. I was supposed to run the mini this year, but my bro-in-law (who i would have run with) screwed up his ankle, so we settled for a nice 5k. whew! that was a close one. for a second i thought i'd have to stop being lazy. keep it up man! good work!

Anonymous said...

um... i read your blog and frequent your site :) no worries!

AWESOME with the 3 miles today... I was thinking... don't get to addicted to the numbers on the screen, someone gave me that advice :-p (i'm just not quite sure i believe it yet!!)
