February 4, 2008

Mount Morhia

The message this past Sunday was one that brought back many memories, both good and bad ones. It was focused on the Mount Morhia story of Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac. It is a wonderful message that, God will Provide.
Sometimes it is hard for us to believe that, but after you go through something, you can look back and see the God was there with you every step of the way. To read more about this message you can go to Grace's website (http://gracecc.org/sermons.html?&tx_gccsermondb_pi1[showUid]=4554&cHash=da30b2b25b)

What is your "Mount Moriah"? Have you experienced a test or a loss?

This message reminded me of my Mount Moriah. There are many larger test or harder losses that people go through than I have, but it doesn't lessen my experience. I also know that this experience will not be my one and only time that I will revisit the mountain.

The final months of owning the club were some of the hardest days of my life. There is no way I could have made it through it without the Lord being a part of the entire process every step of the way. He reached out and "provided" through those close to me. I received physical support along with mental and spiritual support. It started on November 24, 2004 (read the post "Huge life lesson" below) and continued through September 6, 2005.

The best way to explain how I made it through this time was a CD that was in my vehicle. On the CD were two songs. Those songs were the only thing that played in my car, every day from the end of November till the following September. Over and over again from the time I started that car, until I would shut it off. It was my prayer (more like my cry out to the Lord) to help me through this time.

Both songs impact me still to this day in a huge way. The first is Blessed Be Your Name, every time I sing that song a chill will go up my back and my eyes will water. It's like I was transported back in time and I physically feel what I did back then. As if I was singing (or crying out) all over again for the Lord to help me. When I'm found in the desert place, Though I walk through the wilderness. Blessed Be Your Name....On the road marked with suffering, Though there's pain in the offering. Blessed Be Your Name. You give and take away, My heart will choose to say Lord, Blessed Be Your Name.

Artwork depicting the story of Job

The second song (If You Want Me To by Ginny Owens) I don't hear that often. When I do, it will stop me in my tracks and I will just listen. I remember hearing it on the radio one night on the way home, and I asked DL (roommate at the time) what it was. He of course had the CD, he has EVERYTHING! I immediately took the song and burned the two together. (I was reading through Job at the time, which led me to Blessed Be Your Name.) The lyrics to this song is a perfect ending to the Sermon from this weekend. No matter what you go through, if you truly believe that God Will Provide, you will be able to get through the hardest things in life. So if you are currently on your Mount Morhia, or if you find yourself approaching one. I offer the Book of Job and these two songs to help you process through it. Step by step with the Lord carrying you or walking next to you as you go through it.

The pathway is broken
And The signs are unclear
And I don't know the reason why You brought me here
But just because You love me the way that You do
I'm gonna walk through the valley
If You want me to

Cause I'm not who I was When I took my first step
And I'm clinging to the promise You're not through with me yet
so if all of these trials bring me closer to you
Then I will go through the fire If You want me to

It may not be the way I would have chosen
When you lead me through a world that's not my home
But You never said it would be easy
You only said I'd never go alone ya oh oh no

So When the whole world turns against me
And I'm all by myself
And I can't hear You answer my cries for help
I'll remember the suffering Your love put You through
And I will go through the darkness If You want me to

February 2, 2008

On and Off

Not that people really read this site, but it has been a long time since I wrote anything, so I thought I would update it. We've been having Internet connection problems at home so I haven't really been able to keep up on Facebook, the Blog, others Blogs, or even personal emails. I use to have a job where I had enough down time to access these things throughout the day, but not really with the current one. Getting ready for the Winter Retreat, along with about 8 "other" things that are coming up in the next 2 months, doesn't allow for much "down" time. Thanks Cyrus for figuring things out and getting us back up and running!

Yesterday I headed downtown to "experience" Greek IV Conference. I help with registration, and for the most part it was very smooth. I did get to see many of the "old" youth group students who are now in colleges everywhere. It was great to see their fire for the Lord even after the highschool years. It was also great to see Christine in her environment. Now meeting all those great people that I will never remember their names....that is a different story!

Training for the mini-marathon is still going strong, three miles today without stopping. Glad that is over! I cannot imagine that in 4 weeks we will be running 7-8 miles at one time. So far we have ran 36 miles since Jan 2nd. If you think that is a lot, by the time we run the mini we will have ran 253 miles!!!! Bye BYe Old Guy