July 2, 2007

This will either be my only post, or just the beginning

It seems that everyone has a blog, so I thought that it's time for me to start one. I joined facebook.com back in December 2006-so now on with this piece of technology.

This really isn't my first Blog that I created, just the first one for me! Debbie Shaffer, an adult leader for Senior High, came to me asking for help in creating one after she was diagnosed with Cancer. She felt this would be a great way to keep in touch with those who wanted updates on where she was with her fight. A quick update with that, she is winning the fight against cancer. She just joined us down in Mississippi this past week with our mission trip.

I have been wanting to start a Blog for a while now, so like the title says if it is my only post then I am done. Since I don't want it to be done.............I need to add a second post.

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