January 21, 2018

I am weak and my flesh will fail

It has been a while since I have posted, seems like a pattern!

The past couple of months has caused many to focus on our calling and what God is leading us when it comes to our jobs. This weekend has become the turning point of this process as the past two weeks have been one process and what takes place this week is a different process. As I have been processing with family, co-workers and with God I have been reminded of my past.  Hindsight is always 20/20, so by looking back it allows me to see how God was at work in my life.

I had the best job one could want right out of college. I was working doing exactly what I loved to do and couldn't think of any other job that I would want.  It was during this first job that God used co-workers to lead me to Him and the start of my faith. This job ended suddenly. The end was very hard to deal with.

About a year later I found myself in a similar spot. I had the best job one could ever want.  I found myself and a great friend as business owners. I was my own boss, running a midsize business and really loving life.  We found success early on and decided to build a brand new location.  The new business location was blessed and prayed over and I really thought this is where God wanted me.  This job ended suddenly as God called me into ministry.

After serving in the Senior High ministry for almost 5 years God merged my area of service and my place of employment. Once again I was in familiar territory, I had the best job one could ever want.  I was working with an amazing group of people and each day felt like I wasn't going to work. Obviously I am still at Grace, but I remember clearly that Tuesday afternoon when Rob and I were called to the front office. I was being offered a different position, but I was in the perfect job where I was.  The Senior High job ended suddenly as God made it clear I needed to take the new job.

This position was different at first because I really loved my old one.  Quickly though God revealed why he moved me to this new role and soon it became the best job one could ever want. I experienced so much and learned so much from amazing leaders. It was like taking a masters program as I learned so much more about God, Leadership, myself, etc. What I didn't realize was the He was preparing me for what was to come next. This job didn't suddenly end, but it did suddenly change. I found myself starting something new and exciting. This time felt very different as it wasn't just the best job one could ever want, but rather the best job I could ever want.

This new job has truly been amazing and life changing at the same time.  The last almost 6 years would be hard to put into words. I feel like this is exactly where God wants me, but I still find myself wondering about this week. This week will truly be a test of our faith for many of us. No matter what the end result is God will still be in control and he wont leave any of us.  We might be upset, hurt, disappointed, stressed, filled with anxiety-but that is our flesh taking over. If we truly trust in Him, if we truly believe all of those unknown feelings will be washed away. It might be hard in the moment to truly arrive at peace, but that doesn't mean peace isn't right there.

So as we enter this next week pray for the leadership and pray for all 128 of our staff. I believe in God and I trust Him. He is in control, he always has been and always will be. If I had to rely on myself....I am weak and my flesh will fail.