July 7, 2014

Parenting 101:From God's point of view

So since I received the text about Austin being in a car accident on Friday evening, I haven’t been able to process what was happening inside me.  Different conversation this weekend have allowed me to process what’s going on, and those conversations had nothing to do with the accident.

Back when I was single and not a father, I felt this burden when there were accidents and deaths with children. I kept telling myself I could never be a father because I wouldn’t be able to deal with that level of pain and sorrow. So if you never have kids, then you never have to deal with that pain.  Same was true with marriage.  I watch friends and family members struggle with marriage and end things.  Families broken apart and pain set it.  So if I never got married I would never have to deal with that pain or be the cause of it!  God changed my thought process little by little, and soon instead of focusing on “the pain” that could happen, I started to see the wonderful joy that I could experience.

I believe that’s why my family was given to me overnight-God knew that slowly stepping into this thing called family wouldn’t work for me. So May 20th I was a single man and May 21st I was a father of twin 15 year-old boys.  Then the following year on May 17th I was a single father of twin boys and the next day I was engaged to my now beautiful wife.  No slow stepping into anything there! As always, God knew me better and knew how to care for me.

So I missed the 15 years of worrying about my sons developing correctly, are the learning lessons that will help their futures, etc. So all that worrying has been bottled into these past 3 years, and with Friday night’s accident all my fears have hit home.  We could have switched spots with this family, that could’ve been us living in the trauma waiting room.  

I am reminded about our conversation with Kirsten’s parents at lunch this weekend. God models exactly what we need to do as parents.  He is our heavenly Father who loves us more than we can love one another or our children. He always gives us the door or path that He wants us to go down, just like we do for our kids. But one thing God does, that I know I am not good at and many of the parents I know are not good at, is he gives us another door or path that we shouldn’t go down.  There is pain and sorrow and hurt if we chose that one, and most of the time that’s exactly what we choose. But He doesn’t stop there! He gives us another opportunity to grow, to learn and to choose the right path and come back to him. No matter how many times we choose the other path, he always provides a way back home.

So He showed me this weekend that I need to quit fooling myself about who is in control.  No parent, no friend, no girlfriend/boyfriend and no mentor ripped that door off early in the accident and threw Austin out of the car early on to save his life. Only his Heavenly Father could’ve performed that miracle. So that’s what it means to trust God with your children’s lives.  Not easy, but it’s true.

He also showed me that if I want to be a good father to my boys, just follow his example. Give them guidance on which path or door is right, and then let them choose.  If they choose the wrong one, lovingly welcome them back with open arms and guide them towards the right path again-but let them choose!  Also that guidance needs to change as they get older.   
Early on it might look like you are holding their head in your hands making sure they are paying attention, but that has to change to hands on their shoulder guiding them, one hand on their shoulder and the other motioning the right way to choose-then the difficult one where you walk next to them, as a friend.  No matter what they choose you walk with them and you guide them with your words and love.  Always pursuing them like our Heavenly Father pursues us every minute of every day-even when we didn’t believe in him!