May 7, 2010

End of the week

Well I thought I would check in before I head to bed.

This was a busy week trying to catch up after being gone last week. Still trying to process the trip and settle back into life all at the same time. I do miss the other students, every time I cook-I look around waiting to see one of them pop around the corner. It makes it interesting to think that we all shared an experience-then you never see each other again. I mean the chances that our paths cross is very slim. So did the paths cross long enough to make an impression? For some of them, yes! When I take a drink of wine, we I see the Schwann's truck, when I use my knife, maybe even when I am served a meal that is over-cooked!! Well even months down the road, I hope I will still be reminded of them.

So coming back from the trip-I have been asked many times "how was it"! If you like to cook-I highly recommend it. It really was a great week, I learned a lot and I am processing going back for another class. I am cooking differently, and trying my hardest not to waste food. I know that my roommates are benefiting from my experience for sure!

Tonight we just got back from seeing Iron man 2, I do recommend seeing it. I read a review that said it was a great movie but that it wasn't as good as the first one. I thought that it was a great one, and that it did live up to the first one. There are not many sequels that live up to this-but Iron Man 2 does. Hope you enjoy it.

Well tomorrow I will be back to a few landscaping jobs, even with the 40 degree weather! Still trying to keep balance in my life even as I try to get these jobs done. Taking it one day at a time!

I hope you all enjoy your weekend!